welcome back to my crazy kooky fun lyfeeeeee!!!!!!!!!! ive decided to bring my shenanigans to CAMBODIAAAAAAAA honestly to be honest cambodia is such an underrated country. its been inhabited for millenia, survived the nightmare that was french indochina (god those were some rough times), AND has one of the fastest growing economies in asia! ok fine the reason why im here is because of angkor wat, but we will get to her later. like many places on these trips, i went the capital and largest city, phom penh. now this city has been the capital for many decades, back to when france was still in control of cambodia. due to the heavy french influence, the city was dubbed the "pearl of asia." also 14% of cambodias population lives here (thats a lot of people!). now when one visits phnom penh, one must visit the royal palace. like LOOK AT IT. JUST LOOK AT IT. absolutely stunning. now the royal palace was finished in 1870 and has been this gorgeous the entire time. it was built...